- Mexico CSD
- Student Services
- 8th Grade Electives
Welcome to the Mexico High School electives page! Here you will find videos created by members of our elective departments to show you some of the exciting opportunities we offer at the High School. Whether you are looking for something creative, hands-on, or college credit bearing, we have opportunities for you!
Students and families are welcome to explore and reach out to our counselors with any questions about graduation requirements or enrolling in these courses.
The following departments are represented:
Art Department:
Art Department Video | Course Descriptions
Career and Technical Education:
Technology with Mr. von Holtz Video | Course Descriptions
Technology with Mr. MacDonald Video | Course Descriptions
Family and Consumer Services Video | Course Descriptions
Music Department:
Music Department Video | Course Descriptions
JROTC Video | Course Description
World Language:
World Languages Department Video | Course Descriptions
Thank you to our CiTi PR Team for all of their support and great work!