Mexico Academy & Central School District uses ParentSquare for school to home and district to home communications. ParentSquare is a unified app for school communication so parents and guardians can receive all announcements from the district, their children’s schools and teachers in one place.
Parent/guardian information is pulled from SchoolTool, the district's student data management system. When information is updated in SchoolTool, it will take 24 hours for the information to update in ParentSquare. All parents that have an email or cell phone in SchoolTool automatically have an account created in ParentSquare. Monthly email invitations are sent to unregistered parents/guardians and staff. Parents that register their account will have the ability to log into the system to see information specific to their child[ren].
Parents/guardians looking for additional information on using ParentSquare can click here for online help and resources.
Parents/guardians should contact their child's school directly to update an email address, home phone number or cell phone number. Visit the Contact Us page for phone numbers, or find more details via our ParentSquare directory.