- Mexico CSD
- Board of Education
Welcome to the Board of Education page! It is our privilege to serve the students and residents of the MACS School District and provide the best possible educational experience. We believe that we have the staff, facilities, and curricula in place to provide this experience. For this, we sincerely thank the voters of the district for your continued support.

About the Board
A seven member Board of Education is elected by the residents of the Mexico Academy & Central School District for three-year terms. The Board of Education is responsible for the policies and the regulations governing public education in the district. Each board member serves without pay. The Superintendent of Schools is the Chief Executive Officer of the Board. All board meetings are open to the public.When and where does the MACS Board of Education meet?
The monthly business meetings of the Board of Education are scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month. The meetings begin at 6:00 PM. The meetings are rotated through the schools of the district throughout the year. The workshop meetings of the Board of Education are scheduled for the 4th Thursday of each month. The meetings begin at 6:00 PM. Workshop meetings are typically held in the district office.What is the difference between the Monthly Business Meetings and the Workshop Meetings?
The monthly business meeting of the Board of Education is the formal meeting of the board. At each business meeting there is a reception where students and the MACS staff are recognized for their accomplishments. There is a time for public comment, as well as presentations, reports from the administration, and a consent agenda that includes budget items and personnel. The workshop meetings have limited agenda items. It allows time for the education of the board members on various topics throughout the year, including policies, budget and curriculum. While the public is very much invited to attend, there is not a time for public comment.What does the Board discuss at meetings?
The Board discusses many varied topics depending on the time of year. The Board establishes goals at the beginning of the year and monitors their progress throughout the year. The Board approves personnel changes and establishes committees. The Board reviews the district’s policies and changes or establishes new ones as conditions require. The Board also oversees the preparation of the budget and major bond issues for public vote.How can I find out what is on each meeting's agenda?
The agenda for each meeting (business and workshop) is posted on the MACS website, one week prior to the scheduled meeting. The agenda can be found on the Board of Education page, under Board Docs.
Link to the AgendaWhat is Executive Session?
School Boards are subject to the Open Meetings Law which requires that the Board hold its meetings open to the public. However, there are a number of topics that the Board is allowed and/or required by law to discuss in Executive Session. (Executive Session is when the Board meets in private.) These topics include: discussion about specific personnel members, negotiations, legal matters and/or areas that would violate a person’s right to privacy. These discussions are held in private to protect the privacy and the civil rights of our students and employees.
Policy # 1730How do I address a question or a concern I have during at the business meeting?
Members of the public who wish to participate must register on a sign up sheet (found on the podium at the front of the room) prior to the meeting being called to order. At the appropriate time, the individuals who have registered to speak, will be recognized by the President and called to the podium in the order that they signed up. Comments should be related to school matters, and be limited to two (2) minutes – Clerk of the Board will signal when you have thirty (30) seconds remaining.
Policy # 3220Does the Board of Education have to respond to concerns made by the public in a public meeting?
No. In fact, the Board President will most likely simply thank the individual for the comment. At times the board may direct questions to the Superintendent to prepare a written response.What is the best way to address a concern, question or problem?
It is best to follow the chain of command, beginning with the level closest to the issue. If your issue is unresolved, continue with the next level, etc… If your issue has not been resolved, it can be brought to the Board of Education. This process is established to resolve issues at the earliest opportunity. We have created a spreadsheet to help direct you.
Link to Chain of Command guidelinesHow many people are on the Board of Education?
The MACS Board of Education has seven voting Board Members. They are residents of the school district, elected at large from the community. The members are unsalaried and hold office for a three-year term unless elected or appointed to fill a partial term. The MACS Board also includes one non-voting student member. That student is the sitting president of High School Student Council. While they cannot vote, or attend executive session, their voice is extremely important when dealing with student issues. Officers of the Board include the President and Vice President.Does a single Board Member have any authority?
The authority of a Board member to act is limited to those times when the Board is meeting. Individual members cannot act on behalf of the Board unless specifically authorized by the Board to do so. All actions of the Board of Education require affirmative vote of at least four of its members, notwithstanding the number present at any one meeting. A simple majority of those present is not sufficient.How much is a Board Member paid?
Nothing. The Board of Education volunteers their time.When are elections held and what do I need to do to run for the Board?
Elections for new Board members are held on the third Tuesday of May when the General Fund Budget is voted on. Each year seats are open for election. If you are interested in running for a seat on the Board please contact the District Clerk at (315) 963-8400 x5401 to receive information.