Bullying in Schools

  • Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

    Students should never feel that it is not safe to come to school and participate in all school activities. They should never be prevented from concentrating on schoolwork because another student or a school staff member is teasing them, making fun of them, pushing them around, or threatening them in some way, because of race, color, weight, national origin (where a family comes from), ethnic group, religion, religious practices, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex, or for any other reason. HARASSMENT AND DISCRIMINATION IS PROHIBITED AT SCHOOL

    A student may not act toward another student in a way that reasonably might make that other student feel threatened or unsafe, or that might reasonably make that other student unable to concentrate on their school work, because of the other student’s race, color, weight, national origin (where their family comes from), ethnic group, religion, religious practices, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex, or for any other reason. It is against school rules for any student or school staff member to do this by physical actions or by verbal statements, including electronic messages. This kind of conduct is prohibited on school property, on school buses, and at all school-sponsored events.

    If you know of a situation that involves harassment or discrimination, please complete the complaint form and contact the appropriate dignity act coordinator(s):

    Mr. Christopher Soluri
    Principal, High School
    315-963-8400 x 5317

    Mr. Patrick Dunham
    Principal, Mexico Middle School
    315-963-8400 x 4203

    Mrs. Amy Fiedler-Horack
    Principal, Mexico Elementary
    315-963-8400 x 2310

    Mr. Robert Briggs
    Principal, Palermo Elementary
    315-963-8400 x 1000

    Mr. Brian Carnes
    Principal on Special Assignment, New Haven Elementary
    315-963-8400 x 3500

    Mrs. Elizabeth DiCosimo
    District Dignity Act Coordinator
    315-963-8400 x 5413

Helpful Resources