October News: We are reviewing all of our Library procedures and Learning Targets and reviewing Laptop skills. 2nd grade students are learning Keyboarding skills!
Students in 1st - 4th grades are borrowing Library books each week. Please remind students to return their book when due so that they can check out a new book.
We are happy to be back in the Library for another great year! Each class attends Library once a week during their scheduled Library time. Students will participate in Reading, Writing, Computer Skills, STEAM activities, Coding and more! We also look forward to participating in the Battle of the Books again this year.
Information for Access When at Home:
Students can access all the Library and Special Areas resources by logging into MACSNET and visiting the Library Online Resource page under the Student Tab. There you will find the direct links to New Haven Elementary's subscription Resources, Databases, Books to Read or borrow online, and Story Time with New Haven Staff. Under each Grade Level's button are links appropriate for each grade level- including Coding, Kid-Friendly search engines, Reading Sites, Authors, Math, Science and more. The Grade Level buttons can also be accessed on the right side of this webpage.
Kelly Cullen Library Media Specialist 315-963-8400 Twitter: @NewHavenLibrary
The New Haven Library's Mission is to promote and encourage our students to enjoy reading and to become independent users of the Library and Technology.