Proud to be MACS: December 2024

Below are remarks delivered at the December Board of Education Business Meeting at New Haven Elementary on Dec. 19, 2024 by Board President James Emery.

Lindsay Babbitt PTBM

In the words of immortal children’s author, Dr. Seuss, “Why fit in, when you were born to stand out.” After hearing this evening’s remarks for our recipient for Proud to be MACS for December 2024, I think all will agree that, as an educator, staff member, and community member, Lindsay Babbitt, Physical Education instructor at New Haven Elementary School, certainly stands out!

Lindsay is the daughter of Scott and Linda Rodas and grew up in the small town of Kendall, New York.

Lindsay had several important figures while growing up in Kendall who would shape her career and her life.

First, there was her math teacher, Mr. Maleski, who also served as her youth basketball coach. According to Lindsay, “...his passion for coaching, competition, and skill development was something I wanted to live and share with others.”

Then, there was former Syracuse University basketball star, Roosevelt Bouie, who was a graduate of Kendall Central School District and would be the first of Coach Jim Boeheim’s legendary players that he coached at Syracuse University. Roosevelt Bouie would go on to play professional basketball in Italy and Spain. He returned to Kendall and was part of Lindsay’s basketball career. Lindsay stated that Roosevelt practiced what he preached. He counseled her with these words, “Working hard pays off” and “you must do your best to be the best.” Lindsay recognized that these words did not just apply to the basketball court but to life in general.

Finally, Lindsay credits her parents for being Big influences on her. She said that her mom was always on the sidelines keeping score and her dad coached her on the court and field. With their support, Lindsay developed the sense of competition and what it took to be good but also what it took to be better.

Following graduation from the Kendall Central School District, Lindsay attended SUNY at Brockport where she majored in Physical Education and Philosophy. I chuckled when I heard Philosophy, but then I realized that philosophy can be a valuable tool when trying to make a student athlete see the parallels between life and sports.

While still in college, Lindsay had the opportunity to put the knowledge of Physical Education and Philosophy to a test as she was able to coach Junior Varsity Volleyball, Junior Varsity Softball, and Modified Boys Basketball in her hometown of Kendall.

Lindsay graduated from SUNY at Brockport with Honors in January, 2005. She was also a member of the Phi Epsilon Kappa, which is a national professional organization for students and professionals in the fields of health, physical education, recreation, and safety.

Lindsay began her first Masters Degree in 2005 in the area of Recreation and Leisure while she searched for a job.

In September of 2007, Lindsay was hired by MACS for Physical Education at the Mexico High School. She was so eager to begin her career that she had matching track suits even down to matching sneakers. She was also able to step immediately into coaching and has been given the opportunity to coach her entire career, for which, she is eternally grateful.

Lindsay completed a second Masters Degree in Fitness and Wellness with a concentration in Personal Training and certification in Speed, Agility, and Quickness.

Lindsay stated that she was able to put her Masters to the test at the high school during physical education classes and in athletics.

Though Lindsay started her career at the high school, she has since transitioned to New Haven Elementary School. Lindsay stated this transition was “eye opening for sure”, but it has also brought out the kid in her and to see things through their eyes.

Lindsay is indebted to former colleagues, Brian DeLola and the legendary Ron Jardin for teaching her everything Elementary! The following words from Ron were especially meaningful where Ron advised, “Lindsay you have to make it fun, be creative, be wise and keep learning.” She hopes that she has made Brian and Ron proud.

So how has Lindsay been doing at the elementary level?

According to colleague and Physical Education Department Coordinator, Shawn Parkhurst, he writes, “Lindsay has excelled since moving to the elementary level. Her creativity and passion for fun in PE and her willingness to go above and beyond to create an exciting and safe space is commendable. Through her work, she is providing meaningful opportunities and memories that will last a lifetime for the students of New Haven.”

New Haven Elementary Interim Principal, Brian Carnes shared with Lindsay the experience of transitioning from the high school to the elementary level. He writes, “There was obviously a lot of nervousness when I visited New Haven last spring before beginning the transition to Interim Principal. A couple of days before getting started in earnest, I navigated my way around the school to make introductions. As I entered the gym the stress and nervousness I was experiencing dissolved as I was greeted with a familiar smile. Lindsay genuinely seemed as excited to see me as I was relieved to know someone in the building. This was a particularly comforting feeling because, though I had known her since I started at the high school in 2011, we had very few interactions after her move to New Haven.”

Brian continues by writing, “Lindsay quickly became someone I would lean on as I learned the inner workings of the building, and it was nice to have someone who had already experienced the transition from being at the high school and moving to the elementary level. Because of the gym’s proximity to the main office, and because she is in the building early, her classroom and office are a frequent stop on my trips around the building. The warmth and caring she extended to me are reflective of what you see in Lindsay’s work every day.  She is a tireless advocate for both her students and the importance of physical education in their lives. This is evidenced by the creativity she uses to present her curriculum, and the collaboration she engages in with both her fellow “essentials team” and classroom teachers alike. One thing is for sure, students at New Haven have never been to “gym class”. Lindsay also remains a dedicated coach to her high school students, and an involved supporter to her fellow coaches as an announcer and official. I am extremely proud of Lindsay for receiving this honor, knowing that it is a reflection of the educator and colleague she is in our building every day.”

Along the way, Lindsay married the love of her life, Brandon, and they are blessed with children, Brady and Teagan.

I asked Lindsay what is the favorite part of her job. She replied that it is providing her students with opportunities that they may not necessarily get anywhere else. Providing our students with such opportunities is certainly appreciated by the Board.

 Lindsay also loves to put smiles on the faces of her students, starting in the morning when the students arrive at school. She serves as the “Walmart greeter” making sure the students start their day with a smile.

Lindsay further describes herself as the “fun” teacher and one whose students say that they never know what to expect. Every day is different. The gymnasium is a highlight of their day! Her motivation and desire to do better and be better comes from their smiles and passion for PE. In short, she attempts to make her classes be “out of the box”. From the Haunted House to the Gobble till You Wobble to the Winter Wonderland, Lindsay strives to motivate her students to move all while having fun.

As a community member, Lindsay and her various teams have raised money for worthy causes such as the fight against cancer and provided birthday bags to the local food pantry, so that children can feel special on their birthday.

Also, since 2007, Lindsay has been a driving force behind our outstanding “Learn to Swim Program”. This program increases aquatic awareness to parents and/or patrons who come and learn to swim. Lindsay stated that she has a strong passion for aquatics and hopes to continue to promote water safety for our community.

So, Lindsay, for following the advice given to you in your youth of “working hard pays off” and “you must do your best to be the best”, for following Physical Education Instructor Emeritus, Ron Jardin’s advice of making it fun, being creative, being wise and continuing to learn, for your willingness to go above and beyond to create an exciting and safe space, for providing meaningful opportunities and memories that will last a lifetime for your students, for providing comfort to a new administrator during his first days at New Haven, for being a tireless advocate for both your students and the importance of physical education in their lives, for putting smiles on the faces of your students, for your contributions to our community through your charitable efforts and your passion for aquatics but, most importantly, for “standing out” something the great Dr. Seuss would admire you for, it is with great joy that we, the Board, recognize you as our Proud to be MACS recipient for December 2024.