Lighthouse Team interviews Mr. Dunham, the new MS Principal

By students (pictured in order below) Jessica Bleskoski, Conway Turnbull, Rhiannon Cotter and Aria Pultorak

MS interview crew

Members of the Mexico Middle School Student Lighthouse Team sat down with our new school principal, Mr. Patrick Dunham, to get to know him. We are very excited for him to be joining us and to introduce him to our Mexico community. 

Here is what he had to say:

How would you describe yourself?

Fair, friendly, fun, thoughtful and bald.

What is your favorite type of music?

I was a music teacher for 20 years; I like all genres. It depends on my mood what I will listen to.

If you could have any superhero power, what would it be and why?

Super speed, because I like to travel and run fast. Then I could go anywhere I wanted.

If you could take a vacation anywhere, where would you go?

I have traveled all over the world and to all 50 states. I would like to bring my family to either Hawaii or Alaska. They are both very nice.

Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks?

Yes. I like salted caramel. It also depends on my mood. Sometimes if I’m feeling a little salty, and sometimes I’m feeling a little sweet.

Which of the 7 Habits do you connect with the most and how do you use it?

In my role as principal, I use Habit 5. It’s important to listen and understand people and be able to reflect. I also like Habit 4: Think Win-Win, everyone walks away happy.

Welcome, Mr. Dunham!